Adopt an Eco-Lifestyle

Make a Difference

 The challenge of protecting our earth seems a heavy lift but if every individual, every family made every day changes, what a difference we could make.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Curbside Recycling

  • Rumpke Recycling –
  • Republic  Services –
  • Drop-off Recycling

    • Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub –
    • City of Cincinnati –
    • Turn your home Green

      • Increase the energy efficiency of your home and business.
      • Install water-saving toilets and low-flow faucets
      • Purchase Fair-trade coffee  and
      • Use the Guide to Green Shopping
      • Run dishwashers and laundry loads when they are full and take shorter showers
      • Eat a meatless meal once a week
      • Create an environmentally friendly outdoor space

        • Plant a carbon-capture tree (like a white oak or dogwood)
        • Add native plants which survive best in local soil and which best support local wildlife
        • Create a pollinator garden
        • Reduce chemicals in your lawn and landscaping
        • Water in the evening to avoid rapid evaporation or replace part of the lawn with native plants
        • “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.”   
          Genesis 2:15

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